Standard: EN 60065:2014 EN 60950-1:2006+A1+A2 EN 62368-1:2014 Subject: Safety relevant information
Question: Is it allowable for such information be provided only in electronic form? More and more manufacturers are nowadays providing the safety, user, operating, and installation instructions on company web site, and the use of the internet is now more integrated in the everyday life. 1. Is it acceptable to refer to the company web page for the safety and installation instructions and user manual? 2. If the above is not acceptable, what kind of safety relevant information should be made available in hardcopy?
Decision: Safety relevant documentation to install and operate the equipment has to be provided as a hardcopy. However, the guidelines in LVD ADCO (LVD ADCO 10-11 doc 06 rev2) are also considered acceptable approaches by OSM. Attached to this decision document.
问题: 能否以电子化的形式提供相关信息? 现在越来越多的制造商在公司官网上提供用户安全手册和操作说明书,且互联网的使用也已经融入日常生活。 1、是否能够接受公司官网上的用户手册和安装操作说明书(代替实物手册和说明书)? 2、如果不能接受,哪些与安全相关的信息需要以实物形式提供?
决定: 安装操作说明书的相关文档必须以纸质形式提供。也可以参考LVD ADCO 10-11 doc 06 rev2号文件规定
LVD ADCO 10-11 doc 06 rev2号文件内容(大侠仅翻译相关内容): 设备的电气安全和预期使用涉及的安全警告说明应在设备本体标明。如果无法在设备本体标明,则要在随附的纸质文件上标明。如果必须在随附的CD-ROM,DVD或需要其他设备才能读取内容的其他媒体上提供安全警告说明,不满足LVD指令附录I的要求。